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Monday, October 12, 2009

Swine flu - here I come.

How can we stop the swine flu??
Can we do something?
What can we do?
Viruses change and mutate all the time and we cannot invent a vaccine fast enough to address these mutations. What will happen next year when the swine flu virus mutates into a different design.
Will we have time to invent still another vaccine? Who will win the race against time? Us or the virus??
I leave this question open for you to answer.
There are a few options to fight the flu, and are easy to follow.
Instead of attacking the virus we may want to strengthen our immune system to prevent the virus from finding a ready breeding ground.
As seen in most articles, the virus is hazardous among others to the elderly and to the very young,

The very young still have to develop the immune system so it can function properly and fight the various viruses and bacteria around and inside us, and as we get older the immune system weakens again, similar to muscles that are not exercised and strengthened.
The virus is also declaring war against individuals who are compromised by a weak immune system because of an underlying chronic disease, pregnancy (the immune response changes during pregnancy) or even emotional stress, which too will weaken the immune system tremendously.
Overweight is a great burden on the body systems, and since it is  usually accompanied by a number of different disorders must be counted as another factor that suppresses the immune system.

Instead of fighting the flu let's prevent it!
We all have heard that a healthy life style can prevent diseases and, yes, may help fight viruses like the ones for common cold and flu.We have heard and often not done anything about it until it is too late....

Ever heard of vitamin C?
If you take a dose of only 1 tablet containing 1000 mgr Vitamin C per day with  2 glasses of water you will help your immune system respond better.
A 1/2 a glass of lemon or lime juice will ensure that the vitamin C will work properly, be flushed out of the kidneys and give you some additional vitamin C as well.
If you want to be even more conscientious add some anti-oxidants which will prevent cells from becoming sick (that's a simplified explanation) and add to the strengthening of you immune and other body systems.
Zinc is also known as a good immune booster and can be taken as zinc pecolinate for better absorption.

If you don't like to take pills and supplements of any form make sure you eat a healthy diet and exercise daily.
Healthy eating habits start with eating a balanced diet that include plenty of fresh vegetables (which are carbohydrates and contain fibers), less fat (especially saturated fats) and some protein (milk products, eggs, fish, meat).
Eat 3 meals a day (or less), get up from the table satiated -not bursting out of your seams-, drink plenty of water (2-3 liters), exercise every day for 20-40 minutes, get plenty of rest and enjoy your weekends (days of freedom).
Keep your mind busy and have an optimistic view on life in general.
Optimism changes the immune system for the better, as does happiness in general (get a lover).

There are interesting herbal remedies for the prevention of  flu and epidemics of viral origin in general.
For airborne viruses we can light a burner/ diffuser that heat a few drops of aromatic oils dispersed in water.
Some oils may help prevent the virus from entering via the respiratory system and others will boost the immune system because of their beneficial influence on the mind.
A great formula is the following:
2 drops of lime (aromatic oil)
1 drop of clove (aromatic oil)
1 drops of cajuput (aromatic oil)
2 drops of  lavender (aromatic oil).
Note: Ventilate the room and keep the burner/diffuser well away from children. The oil formula is not intended for small children! Keep all oils away from the eyes!
A herbal concoction of  locally wild growing  herbs and some garden herbs is also quite beneficial for the prevention of the flu.
Try the following:
In 1 liter water boil a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary, peppermint,  melissa, sage, 1cinnamon stick, and 1-2 cloves.
Leave this concoction simmering on the stove on a very low fire (or other heat source) so the vapours can disperse into the well ventilated room.

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