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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas present

Gift Certificate for Christmas

Gift Certificate

For a christmas gift certificate you can fill out the form below. Just enter your name and click submitand it will entitle you to send a treatment as a gift for holdiays, birthdays, or any other event to a loved one

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Last Name

Monday, November 30, 2009

how to make your own vaccine

Dr Horowitz: The CDC's Swine Flu Vaccination Genocide

 This shocking clip from The LOVE CODE Seminar by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz proves the government has been lying about vaccination safety, and conducting GENOCIDE at the expense of our children, famil...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ein Hod Clinic

click on picture for enlarging



• CoQ10

• Calcium magnesium 400 per day

• Vitamin B2 400 mg per day

• Vitamin C 2000 mg per day

Homeopathy :
• R1 anti-inflammatory remedy

• Apis & adrenal - a homeopathic steroid substitute

• Metallicum album, used for migraines, similar to aspirin

• Betonite used specifically for migraines

• Belladonna & apis & adrenal - a homeopathic steroid substitute

• Bidor Weleda

• Kephalodoron

• Hepatodoron

• Cerebrum comp

• Migraine drops from Homgalil pharmacy

Herbal remedies:
• Butterbur 100 mg per day

• Feverfew leaf 125 mg per day

• Polyporus (birch fungus)

• Goldenseal

• Dandelion
For further information and prescriptions of the above  remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Are you still coughing?

Aromatic oils:

Basil, Rosemary, Frankincense or Cajuput: for stubborn catarrh

Cajuput: Spasmodic coughs - also as chest rub

1.Camphor: For spasmodic coughs: 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation helps difficulty breathing and URTI, has anesthetic effect.

Short term treatment only and not used for treatment with children

2. Atlas cedar: 25% 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation for URTI - also in bath- for spasmodic coughs and as expectorant

Cedarwood Virginia: (juniperus virginiana) excellent oil for URTI via steam inhalation, anti-inflammatory, asthma - less need of inhalers.

3. German 25% and Roman chamomile 40% combined: 1-2 drops of each anti-inflammatory and decongestant especially good for hay fever symptoms

4. Cypress: antiseptic and antispasmodic, asthma, spasmodic coughs 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation.


Thuja 30x

Weleda: Husten syrop

Wala: Plantago husten

Wala: Agropyron comp.

Lavido: Kezach oil

For further information and prescriptions of the above remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tips for diseases in autumn and winter


• For grown-ups:

• Vitamin C (1000 mgr) also for prevention

• Echinacea & Propolis

• Dolicoccil (Homgalil) also for prevention

• Immuno-gal (Homgalil) also for prevention

• Gripp-heel (Heel)

• Influ-heel (Heel)

• Meteoric iron/Phosphorus/Quartz (Wala)

• Infludol (Weleda)

• Ferrum Phos comp (Weleda)

• Gelsemium comp (Weleda)

• Aconitum China comp (Wala) / for children available as suppositories

• R88 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• R6 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• Briol (Babyteva) also for prevention

• Magnol (Babyteva) also for prevention

• Plenty of fluids (hot or cold)

• Light meals, preferably vegetarian

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


• Hydro therapy at home (Cold compresses on lower legs)

• Apis / Belladonna comp (Wala))

• Aconite (Weleda)

• R88 or R87 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• R6 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• Fibrol (Babyteva)

• Plenty of fluids

• Light meals

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Throat ache:

• Lemon juice and salt gargle

• Freshly cut garlic (fumes only!)

• Vitamin C (1000mgr)

• Apis / Belladonna cum Mercurio (Wala)

• Echinacea comp spray (Wala)

• Meteoric iron/Phosphorus/Quartz (Wala)

• Echinacea & Propolis lozenges

• Zinc & Vitamin C Lozenges

• Salvia dragees (Wala)

For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Common cold / Sinusitis (Naselet):

• Ghee (for prevention)

• Home sauna with eucalyptus citrii

• Reflexology

• Acupuncture

• R49 (Dr Reckeweg) also for infants

• R87 or R88 (Dr Reckeweg)

• Argentum Berberis comp (Weleda)

• Sinusin Nasal spray (Altman) for children Sinusin kid

• Rhinodoron Nasal spray (Weleda)

• Agropyron comp (Wala)

• Nasenbalsam (Wala)

• Nasal N (Babyteva homeo.) for infants and safe during pregnancy

• Sinus N (Babyteva homeo.) for infants and safe during pregnancy

• Plenty of fluids

• Fresh air

• Refrain from harsh blowing of nose

• No milk products during acute phase

• Light vegetarian meals

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Teething infants (with or without fever and diarrhea):

• Increase breastfeeding at smaller intervals

• Popolini Iris root (for chewing) Baby Teva

• Water violet root (Babyteva)

• Gummy oil (external gum massage)

• Gum massage

• Iced pacifier

• Chamomilla comp supp. (Weleda) also called fever and teething suppositories

• R35 (Dr Reckeweg)
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


• Chamomile tea

• Warm rice water salt added

• Cooked rice

• Oatmeal cooked in water with a little salt added

• Puréed green apple

• Diet cola (not infants)

• Reflexology

• Acupuncture

• Birkenkohle comp. caps (Weleda)

• R4 (Dr. Reckeweg) safe for infants

• Bolus alba comp. N (Wala) safe for infants
• Plenty of fluids

• Very light meals or no food at all

• Rest

• No burnt or grilled foods for several days

• No sugars

• No coffee

For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We do get sick in the winter and it is not because of the cold weather as my grandma used to say.
During the winter we are mostly huddled together in one room, under the blankets, we close the windows and keep warm with a nice fire in the fire place, or with the air condition blowing nice warm air into the rooms.
A breeding place for bacterias and viruses. If someone has a running nose we will all get it, because of the proximity with the bearer. Viruses and bacterias that are transferred through the air have no difficulties passing from one to the other, the same as those passed via touch and saliva.
Mind you,  the hot summer days are not so different since we are also then huddled in one room with the aircondioner going fulll blast escaping the heat outside, we might be huddled under a blanket or not... and again the perfect breeding place for viruses and bacterias is created around us.
So, the typical winter flu is becoming the "year-round-flu" bcause of lifestyle and modern inventions.
Fresh air -warm and cold- in summer and winter can help prevent infections also a healthy lifestyle (plenty of fresh veges, fruits and outdoor) and of course good mood and optimistic outlook in life.
Open the windows every day and sleep with an open window, also when you have the flu - or especially then -, go to the beach when you are coughing and breath in some good sea air, that is less polluted than the air we breath in the city. You have a stuffy nose? Go outside and exercise it frees the sinuses.
Last not least, clean all the pipes of the aircondition not only the net. This has to be done by a professional technician every year. The stuff that comes out of the vents together with heat or cold air, is dirt and pollutes the air in the house with allergens viruses and plenty of bacteria

Yes, it is that simple, and I haven't even reached for my supplements and homeopathic medicines yet, not to say nothing about calling the doctor!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fingers in the Honeypot...?

Honey is one of the sugars that is advertised as being healthy and nutritious... and yes, it is!
it has the properties of a slight antibiotic, antimicrobial and antioxidant.
The best honey is of course the one that is harvested straight from the beehive, still has some of the resins contained in propolis- bee-glue- sticking to it and has not yet been subjected to artificial heat and centrifuges.
Propolis is a substance bees use to protect the hive from bacteria, fungi and other organisms. Partly  it is made from plants and part of it are secretions from the bees itselves.The medicinal properties of propolis are antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial also for humans. Some research state that propolis has anti-cancer / anti-tumor properties.
The quality of honey depends also on the pollen from which it originated. If the bees collected the pollen from Thyme or Eucalyptus flowers the honey will have some of the medicinal properties of those plants integrated in it.
If the honey is heated those properties are lost!
For irritating dry cough at night, try buckwheat (cosemet) honey; it will give almost instant relief and sleep will be not far behind.
Tests are conducted and found safe for children at the age of two and of course for older individuals.
Infants below the age of two should not be given honey since the risk of infantile botulism (caused by Clostridium botulinum) is a great concern at this age (until further notice!).
How to improve your honey and make it tasty as well as medicinal.
Here are a few tips:
Cover completely with honey:
Thyme sprigs  or/and
Rosemary sprigs or/and
Eucalyptus leaves- young ones- or/and
Lemon grass leaves or/and
Lavender flowers and leaves or/and
Rose petals or/and
any other leave or plant you fancy.
Leave the plant/s covered in honey for a couple of weeks in a shady place until the honey has the taste and smell of the individual plants you have infused in it. Have a teaspoon of this honey 1-3 x daily in a tea or simply lick it from the spoon. Yummi!

Thyme strengthens the immune system and helps digestion too
Rosemary is a great antioxidant (see article about Rosemary)
Eucalyptus is a great plant for respiratory complaints
Lemon grass is a good  aid against the common cold and pneumonia as tea, helps digestion and can reduce fever
Lavender calms and has antimcrobial properties, is anti-inflammatory and good for wounds.
Rose petals are used for cosmetic, are also good for female complaints and taste good!

There are may more plants and spices that can enrich the flavor of honey, i.e. cinnamon, ginger, radish, onion.

Cover an onion or radish in honey, leave in a jar overnight; the next day take a teaspoon of the juice 3x daily as a great cough medicine.
Doesn't sound like much but it is tasty!
A great Aryuvedic recipe for any upper respiratory complaint including asthma prevention is the following:
1/2 glass of hot water and
1 teapsoon/ or more of freshly grated ginger infused in it.
1/2 glass of fresh lemon or lime juice
1 tablesoon of honey

Drink this mixture hot or cold first thing in the morning!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pomegranate properties

Pomegranate seed oil Punica Granatum

The oil is untested and scientific data is hard to find. part of the following information is extracted from :, which is an excellent site for information about spices and herbs

History: Pomegranate is a very popular fruit all over the Middle East.
Though it can’t be proven definitely, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge (ets ha-daat [עֵץ הַדַּעַת]) mentioned in the biblical history of creation most probably was meant to be a pomegranate — though most Westerners would hardly believe it, it’s nowhere said to be an apple! Rather, the Hebrew text uses pəri [פְּרִי], an unspecific term meaning just fruit.

Remarkably, in Hebrew the word rimon [רימון] may mean both pomegranate fruit and shell. The underlying Semitic root, RMM, means "high", "exalted" and does not refer to graininess.

There is also a parallel in Greek mythology, where the earth goddess Demeter [Δημήτηρ] lost her daughter Persephone [Περσεφόνη] to the underworld god Hades [ᾍδης] because of one single pomegranate grain the daughter had accepted.
The name pomegranate is of ancient origin.
In classical Latin, the fruit was known either as malum punicum or malum granatum. In these names, malum means apple, granatum derives from granum grain and means (multi)grained

Precautions are : Not suitable for children

Pomegranate seed oil is high in lipids including the rare punicic acid, which helps heal inflammation and reduces swelling.

When taken internally:
Cold pressed seed oil (pcpso) showed strong antioxidant activity when ingested.

Dermal effect:
It has been found to nourish and moisturize the skin, improving elasticity, reducing wrinkles and preventing aging.
It has also been shown to help sunburned and ultraviolet damaged skin

Ingredients of the oils vary but in general contain the following:

1. Punicic acid PUFA(more than 76 %)

2. Conjugated linolenic acid (CLNA) C18.3

3. Tocopherols : Tocopherols (or TCP) are a class of chemical compounds of which many have vitamin E activity.

4. Sterols: Within the past decade, interest in plant sterols as a dietary supplement has increased, due to studies showing that they can contribute to lower cholesterol levels.

5. Squalene (small amount): Squalene is a natural organic compound and the biochemical precursor to the whole family of steroids

To fully benefit from the pomegranate oil, it has to be ingested, which would then complement its action as carrier oil. Tinctures or extracts of pomegranate can also be added to the oil.
Pomegranate oil is non-toxic and has no hormonal influence.

Collagen stimulation:
The peel (pericarp) is well regarded for its astringent properties; the seeds for conferring invulnerability in combat and stimulating beauty and fertility (ethnic).

Experiments suggest that pomegranate fractions facilitate skin repair:
1. aqueous extracts (especially of pomegranate peel) promoting regeneration of dermis,
2. pomegranate seed oil promoting regeneration of epidermis.

Application of the oil:
1. anti-atherosclerosis
2. anti-hypertension
3. anti-obesity
4. hypolipidemic
5. anti-tumor

In cosmetic products it can be used for:
1. skin regeneration
2. wound healing
3. skin elasticity
4. wrinkles
5. skin aging (prevention)

Therapeutic properties: it is calming and healing for
1. Irritated skin
2. Dry skin
3. Sensitive skin
4. Allergic skin
5. Pruritus
6. Psoriasis (??)
7. Eczema (??)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Swine flu - here I come.

How can we stop the swine flu??
Can we do something?
What can we do?
Viruses change and mutate all the time and we cannot invent a vaccine fast enough to address these mutations. What will happen next year when the swine flu virus mutates into a different design.
Will we have time to invent still another vaccine? Who will win the race against time? Us or the virus??
I leave this question open for you to answer.
There are a few options to fight the flu, and are easy to follow.
Instead of attacking the virus we may want to strengthen our immune system to prevent the virus from finding a ready breeding ground.
As seen in most articles, the virus is hazardous among others to the elderly and to the very young,

The very young still have to develop the immune system so it can function properly and fight the various viruses and bacteria around and inside us, and as we get older the immune system weakens again, similar to muscles that are not exercised and strengthened.
The virus is also declaring war against individuals who are compromised by a weak immune system because of an underlying chronic disease, pregnancy (the immune response changes during pregnancy) or even emotional stress, which too will weaken the immune system tremendously.
Overweight is a great burden on the body systems, and since it is  usually accompanied by a number of different disorders must be counted as another factor that suppresses the immune system.

Instead of fighting the flu let's prevent it!
We all have heard that a healthy life style can prevent diseases and, yes, may help fight viruses like the ones for common cold and flu.We have heard and often not done anything about it until it is too late....

Ever heard of vitamin C?
If you take a dose of only 1 tablet containing 1000 mgr Vitamin C per day with  2 glasses of water you will help your immune system respond better.
A 1/2 a glass of lemon or lime juice will ensure that the vitamin C will work properly, be flushed out of the kidneys and give you some additional vitamin C as well.
If you want to be even more conscientious add some anti-oxidants which will prevent cells from becoming sick (that's a simplified explanation) and add to the strengthening of you immune and other body systems.
Zinc is also known as a good immune booster and can be taken as zinc pecolinate for better absorption.

If you don't like to take pills and supplements of any form make sure you eat a healthy diet and exercise daily.
Healthy eating habits start with eating a balanced diet that include plenty of fresh vegetables (which are carbohydrates and contain fibers), less fat (especially saturated fats) and some protein (milk products, eggs, fish, meat).
Eat 3 meals a day (or less), get up from the table satiated -not bursting out of your seams-, drink plenty of water (2-3 liters), exercise every day for 20-40 minutes, get plenty of rest and enjoy your weekends (days of freedom).
Keep your mind busy and have an optimistic view on life in general.
Optimism changes the immune system for the better, as does happiness in general (get a lover).

There are interesting herbal remedies for the prevention of  flu and epidemics of viral origin in general.
For airborne viruses we can light a burner/ diffuser that heat a few drops of aromatic oils dispersed in water.
Some oils may help prevent the virus from entering via the respiratory system and others will boost the immune system because of their beneficial influence on the mind.
A great formula is the following:
2 drops of lime (aromatic oil)
1 drop of clove (aromatic oil)
1 drops of cajuput (aromatic oil)
2 drops of  lavender (aromatic oil).
Note: Ventilate the room and keep the burner/diffuser well away from children. The oil formula is not intended for small children! Keep all oils away from the eyes!
A herbal concoction of  locally wild growing  herbs and some garden herbs is also quite beneficial for the prevention of the flu.
Try the following:
In 1 liter water boil a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary, peppermint,  melissa, sage, 1cinnamon stick, and 1-2 cloves.
Leave this concoction simmering on the stove on a very low fire (or other heat source) so the vapours can disperse into the well ventilated room.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Rosemary means: "Dew of the Sea"
In ancient Greece Rosemary sprigs were wound around the heads of students to make them mentally alert and increase awareness in the classroom.
You can preserve food better when cooking it with a few Rosemary sprigs.
the herb will add taste and work as an anti-oxidant at the same time.
Very good olive oil:
Steep quite a number of Rosemary sprigs in a container of olive oil (Laurel and Thyme can be added too)leave for 24 hours, then remove and add an additional batch of rosemary (and herbs); again leave for a day and so on, until the olive oil smells of your herbs.
If you like a spicey oil, add dry chili peppers and leave them in the oil.
finally drain the oil through a sieve or cloth and use when cooking or in a salad.
The Rosemary will keep the oil from oxidizing, so you can make quite a large batch of savory olive oil.

A Rosemary sachet placed in a closets will keep away moths and other insects and give your closet a fresh camphorous garden fragrance.

Rosemary(aromatic)oil can be tried as a stimulant for hyperactive children who have difficulty concentrating. Add 2-4 drops of rosemary oil into burner with coarse salt and light the candle underneath (a room diffuser will do too).Ventilate the room while the vapors of the oil diffuse into the air.
A few drops of Rosemary oil added to a conventional shampoo will make your hair healthy and grow stronger, in addition it will keep away lice (sometimes)!and increase your brain activity.
Something for the winter:
Add a few drops of rosemary oil to the bathwater; this will help relieve symptoms of flu and colds and relieve coughing.
If you are into sport, you can massage your muscles before exercising (also after, of course) for a great warm-up. Add a few drops of Rosemary oil to almond oil and massage the muscles of legs and arms.