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Monday, November 30, 2009

how to make your own vaccine

Dr Horowitz: The CDC's Swine Flu Vaccination Genocide

 This shocking clip from The LOVE CODE Seminar by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz proves the government has been lying about vaccination safety, and conducting GENOCIDE at the expense of our children, famil...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ein Hod Clinic

click on picture for enlarging



• CoQ10

• Calcium magnesium 400 per day

• Vitamin B2 400 mg per day

• Vitamin C 2000 mg per day

Homeopathy :
• R1 anti-inflammatory remedy

• Apis & adrenal - a homeopathic steroid substitute

• Metallicum album, used for migraines, similar to aspirin

• Betonite used specifically for migraines

• Belladonna & apis & adrenal - a homeopathic steroid substitute

• Bidor Weleda

• Kephalodoron

• Hepatodoron

• Cerebrum comp

• Migraine drops from Homgalil pharmacy

Herbal remedies:
• Butterbur 100 mg per day

• Feverfew leaf 125 mg per day

• Polyporus (birch fungus)

• Goldenseal

• Dandelion
For further information and prescriptions of the above  remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Are you still coughing?

Aromatic oils:

Basil, Rosemary, Frankincense or Cajuput: for stubborn catarrh

Cajuput: Spasmodic coughs - also as chest rub

1.Camphor: For spasmodic coughs: 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation helps difficulty breathing and URTI, has anesthetic effect.

Short term treatment only and not used for treatment with children

2. Atlas cedar: 25% 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation for URTI - also in bath- for spasmodic coughs and as expectorant

Cedarwood Virginia: (juniperus virginiana) excellent oil for URTI via steam inhalation, anti-inflammatory, asthma - less need of inhalers.

3. German 25% and Roman chamomile 40% combined: 1-2 drops of each anti-inflammatory and decongestant especially good for hay fever symptoms

4. Cypress: antiseptic and antispasmodic, asthma, spasmodic coughs 2-3 drops in hot water for inhalation.


Thuja 30x

Weleda: Husten syrop

Wala: Plantago husten

Wala: Agropyron comp.

Lavido: Kezach oil

For further information and prescriptions of the above remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tips for diseases in autumn and winter


• For grown-ups:

• Vitamin C (1000 mgr) also for prevention

• Echinacea & Propolis

• Dolicoccil (Homgalil) also for prevention

• Immuno-gal (Homgalil) also for prevention

• Gripp-heel (Heel)

• Influ-heel (Heel)

• Meteoric iron/Phosphorus/Quartz (Wala)

• Infludol (Weleda)

• Ferrum Phos comp (Weleda)

• Gelsemium comp (Weleda)

• Aconitum China comp (Wala) / for children available as suppositories

• R88 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• R6 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• Briol (Babyteva) also for prevention

• Magnol (Babyteva) also for prevention

• Plenty of fluids (hot or cold)

• Light meals, preferably vegetarian

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


• Hydro therapy at home (Cold compresses on lower legs)

• Apis / Belladonna comp (Wala))

• Aconite (Weleda)

• R88 or R87 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• R6 (Dr. Reckeweg)

• Fibrol (Babyteva)

• Plenty of fluids

• Light meals

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Throat ache:

• Lemon juice and salt gargle

• Freshly cut garlic (fumes only!)

• Vitamin C (1000mgr)

• Apis / Belladonna cum Mercurio (Wala)

• Echinacea comp spray (Wala)

• Meteoric iron/Phosphorus/Quartz (Wala)

• Echinacea & Propolis lozenges

• Zinc & Vitamin C Lozenges

• Salvia dragees (Wala)

For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Common cold / Sinusitis (Naselet):

• Ghee (for prevention)

• Home sauna with eucalyptus citrii

• Reflexology

• Acupuncture

• R49 (Dr Reckeweg) also for infants

• R87 or R88 (Dr Reckeweg)

• Argentum Berberis comp (Weleda)

• Sinusin Nasal spray (Altman) for children Sinusin kid

• Rhinodoron Nasal spray (Weleda)

• Agropyron comp (Wala)

• Nasenbalsam (Wala)

• Nasal N (Babyteva homeo.) for infants and safe during pregnancy

• Sinus N (Babyteva homeo.) for infants and safe during pregnancy

• Plenty of fluids

• Fresh air

• Refrain from harsh blowing of nose

• No milk products during acute phase

• Light vegetarian meals

• Rest
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.

Teething infants (with or without fever and diarrhea):

• Increase breastfeeding at smaller intervals

• Popolini Iris root (for chewing) Baby Teva

• Water violet root (Babyteva)

• Gummy oil (external gum massage)

• Gum massage

• Iced pacifier

• Chamomilla comp supp. (Weleda) also called fever and teething suppositories

• R35 (Dr Reckeweg)
For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


• Chamomile tea

• Warm rice water salt added

• Cooked rice

• Oatmeal cooked in water with a little salt added

• Puréed green apple

• Diet cola (not infants)

• Reflexology

• Acupuncture

• Birkenkohle comp. caps (Weleda)

• R4 (Dr. Reckeweg) safe for infants

• Bolus alba comp. N (Wala) safe for infants
• Plenty of fluids

• Very light meals or no food at all

• Rest

• No burnt or grilled foods for several days

• No sugars

• No coffee

For further information and prescriptions of the above homeopathic remedies please turn to Dr. Tina Berkovits at 0544 381491.


The information provided is purely for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. No information is intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, for health assessment, for prescription of any medication, or for any other health treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a serious health problem. You should never stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We do get sick in the winter and it is not because of the cold weather as my grandma used to say.
During the winter we are mostly huddled together in one room, under the blankets, we close the windows and keep warm with a nice fire in the fire place, or with the air condition blowing nice warm air into the rooms.
A breeding place for bacterias and viruses. If someone has a running nose we will all get it, because of the proximity with the bearer. Viruses and bacterias that are transferred through the air have no difficulties passing from one to the other, the same as those passed via touch and saliva.
Mind you,  the hot summer days are not so different since we are also then huddled in one room with the aircondioner going fulll blast escaping the heat outside, we might be huddled under a blanket or not... and again the perfect breeding place for viruses and bacterias is created around us.
So, the typical winter flu is becoming the "year-round-flu" bcause of lifestyle and modern inventions.
Fresh air -warm and cold- in summer and winter can help prevent infections also a healthy lifestyle (plenty of fresh veges, fruits and outdoor) and of course good mood and optimistic outlook in life.
Open the windows every day and sleep with an open window, also when you have the flu - or especially then -, go to the beach when you are coughing and breath in some good sea air, that is less polluted than the air we breath in the city. You have a stuffy nose? Go outside and exercise it frees the sinuses.
Last not least, clean all the pipes of the aircondition not only the net. This has to be done by a professional technician every year. The stuff that comes out of the vents together with heat or cold air, is dirt and pollutes the air in the house with allergens viruses and plenty of bacteria

Yes, it is that simple, and I haven't even reached for my supplements and homeopathic medicines yet, not to say nothing about calling the doctor!